What Are the Services Policies?

What Are the Services Policies?

The "Services" sections are for businesses and commercial entities to submit postings advertising their services and not their individual products.

If you appear to be trading in what Gumtree classifies as a commercial or business like capacity then you must make use of the Services category and NOT the "Stuff for Sale" category.

All pest control operators must be licensed and registered and this must be mentioned in your ad. 

Please avoid putting your phone number or URL in the title of your ad as it makes the ads very difficult for users to read

All massage services ads on Gumtree must: 

  • have no photos (business logos will be accepted)
  • state: "not a sexual service"
  • state professional qualifications (accreditation, certificates, diplomas, work history etc). You must include the level of the qualification, the awarding body/where it was achieved
  • must not specify unnecessary details (such as body type, race, age, sexual orientation/preference etc.)

Please note ads that are for "Tantra/Tantric massage" are not allowed on Gumtree.

We don't allow duplicate ads (multiple ads advertising the same company's services). Duplicate ads are extremely frustrating to our users, as they bring no value to the categories in which they appear. Please post no more than one ad advertising your services. The repeated posting of multiple, duplicate ads may lead to a complete deletion of ALL of your ads and restriction of your use of Gumtree. We allow users to post up to 8 free different ads in the services category, an additional fee will be charged for your 9th active ad.

Ads offering financial services must use an active business domain with website and contain a valid business landline number.

As per the National Credit Act (NCA), users are not allowed to create adverts that contain prohibited statements including statements such as "blacklisted clients welcome”, “blacklisted and listed we can help”, “blacklisted approved, no credit checks required, free credit" or any wording that has substantially the same meaning. All advertisements for credit from publishers, advertisers, service and credit providers must comply with the National Credit Act. Ads in contravention of these terms will not be accepted. ITC clearance services are also prohibited on Gumtree.

Mileage/Odometer correction services are prohibited on Gumtree.

We do not allow services:

  • Offering magical items such as rings, wallets, rats, etc.
  • Offering or seeking abortion or womb cleaning services
  • Hip/bum/genitalia enhancement creams, pills or related services  
  • Making any unsubstantiated medical claims

Ensure your advertisement isn't breaching any applicable laws. It is the responsibility of the advertiser before posting an ad on Gumtree that content advertised adheres to Gumtree Posting Policies (What are the General posting rules?) as well as applicable laws. As a condition of your use of Gumtree specified under our Gumtree Terms of Use, you agree that you will not violate any laws.