Account Takeover Fraud

Account Takeover Fraud

What is Account Takeover Fraud?

Account takeover fraud is when an unauthorised individual obtains account credentials to gain access to an online account. Account takeover(ATO) allows the fraudster to use the account for fraudulent activities while using the details of the legitimate account holder. Fraudsters do this to remain undetected for longer, using the account holder’s good history to their advantage. On Gumtree, fraudsters would use a user’s account to post fraudulent ads.

How Do I Protect My Account from Being Used Fraudulently?

1. Change passwords regularly. Changing your password every few weeks will make it harder for scammers to gain access to your account

2. Create a strong password

3. Avoid saving your login details on public computers

4. Be on the lookout for Phishing scams. Phishing scams come in many forms; the main goal of a phishing scam is to obtain private information.

If you suspect that someone has gained unauthorized access to your account, please reach out to our helpdesk.